التغذية و الحماية من السرطان …..الدكتور ة ديما عبد الجبار
https://youtu.be/DZ84hTLWR2c Alzahra cancer center Alzahra hospital Dubai July 2019
Accreditation of Alzahra oncology
Accreditation of Alzahra oncology .The center Of excellence Alzahra cancer centerJuly 2019
A nice testimony from one of our patient
A nice testimony from one of our patient Alzahra cancer center Alrawi and teamJuly 2017
احدث الدراسات و طرق علاج أورام الغدة الدرقية
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxucN-i0I4A&feature=youtu.be احدث الدراسات و طرق علاج أورام الغدة الدرقية ....حديث تلفزيوني لدكتور سدير الرواى
The best staff – Dr. Dima Abdjabr and Dr. Amani Alandlusy
Dr. Dima Abdjabr and Dr. Amani Alandlusy, The best staff for your health Alzahra cancer centerAlzahra hospital Dubai June 2019
Dr. Sadir Alrawi with one of his patients after a major neck surgery
Dr. Sadir Alrawi with one of his patients after a major neck surgery Alzahra cancer center Alzahra hospital Dubai June 2019
Dr five patient review for Dr. Sadir Alrawi and his team
Dr five patient review for Dr. Sadir Alrawi and his teamAlzahra cancer center Alzahra hospital Dubai June 2019